Part 1. Metaverse Events
The Sandbox
The Sandbox teamed up with Digital Village to launch a new VoxEdit contest to celebrate Digital Fashion Anniversary.
Important Dates:
- The contest began Mar 1;
- The deadline for entries is Mar 15;
- Voting will take place from April 1 to 5;
- Winners will be announced April 15, where 20 looks will be selected for the Fashion Show and the Top 3 creators awarded inclusion in TSB marketplace.
To celebrate their new partnership with Avex Technologies, The Sandbox will unlock a new part of the map called “Metavex District”. 7 Premium NFTs will be distributed throughout the Premium LANDS. The LAND sale took place March 3 at 1pm UTC.
The Sandbox announced their Builder Contest #4 is coming. The theme is “Create an unknown Roman god/goddess”. Participants are required to file entries before 15.03.2022 00:00 (UTC+1). The Sandbox will reward the five best builders.
The Sandbox announced the launch of Alpha Season 2, with 35+ experiences opened.
Decentraland’s BETA version desktop client for Windows was released. Users can help test its performance improvements in preparation for a more complete launch in the coming months.
Cryptolvoxels released a new voice chat system.Users can create conversation rooms and have people join them now.
Cryptovoxels initialed a vote on what to put on blank parcels on ScarcityIsland. The vote will last for two days and end at 1AM on March 4. Only people active on the island are eligible to vote.
Cryptovoxels updated the Space of their WiKi.
Somnium Space
SomniumSpace released their new Somnium WebXR client feature — VIPs. Users can add a performer on their parcel to a VIP list, then perform before thousands of people.
Worldwide Webb
Phoodle Bears announced acquisition of a Medium Apartment for $6998.30 and Small Apartment for $4704.90 for their Phoodle Bears clubhouse.
Worldwide Webb launched the first iteration of the Apartment Builder. They said The Apartment Builder is the first step geared towards future tools that will allow users to build out the game universe and give apartment holders utility. The builder features a “Free build mode”, accessible by anyone as a “Try-before-you-buy” feature. The Apartment Build lets users choose which apartment they want to design and define the room floor plan. Hundreds of different items that can be placed within rooms were launched. In addition, NFT displays are also possible, using pixel shader rendering that allow holders to display NFTs inside their apartments. This allows curation of galleries, shows, or just plain decoration and flexibility. Users can also add NPCs to their apartment.
Worldwide Webb announced that users are able to play inside their designed apartment directly via OpenSea.
The Worldwide Webb launched their Apartment Builder and Competition. The competition will last till Mar 10. Winners will be selected via a community vote.
NFT Worlds
NFTWorlds released their WRLD Payments API. The WRLD Payments API provides Spigot plugins with the ability to:
- Create player payment requests from the server (such as charging for in-world experiences)
- Initiate player-to-player transfers
- Receive information about completed transactions
NFTWorlds announced release of a final bug & security audit bounty on their staking and rental contract. Any critical vulnerabilities discovered that could be clearly reproduced and demonstrated will be awarded up to 5 ETH.
Part 2. Virtual Real Estate Data
NFT Worlds takes out our Sales Champion of the Week with its 13.21 ETH Avg Price. So even though NFT Worlds’ total sales are not the highest, its total is the largest.
It’s worth noting that sales of Worldwide Webb and The Sandbox were far ahead this week, most probably due to the release of Alpha news from both projects.
The launch of The Sandbox’s Season 2 and Worldwide Webb’s Apartment Builder have pushed both projects into the limelight. We think they will be hot for a while to come.